Indebted Pandemonium is a synonym for Grateful Chaos. I am very grateful and happy for my completely blessed, crazy chaotic life!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday wrap up and Reviews

MLP (My little Princess) is currently 28 months old.
Although we have been doing some tot school for a couple months now, this will be the first post about it. I love all the ideas that are out there on various blogs for this topic. One of my favorites is 1+1+1=3. Even though we have yet to do a weekly type theme, we still like to do some educational activities. I feel that she is still kind of little to do a lot of things out there but I may be wrong. It is just difficult to fit much in with everything else that is going on. I also homeschool my fifth grade son, and that takes up almost the entire day before the others are home. Then there is dinner, cleaning, homework, and whatever other activities they have going on that night. Anyway back to what we DID do. ( You will soon realize that I get a little sidetracked and go off on a wild tangent, lol ) This week we did a couple Bingo marker sheets for Easter. Some color and shape matching. Watched the Letter Factory DVD a couple times and played with two new toys!

Hi HO Cherry-O

We loved this game!! All the boys played with her too and I am not sure if she really won or if they somehow let her but she seemed to win every time! My oldest insisted she follow the rules and say "HI HO CHERRY-O" before she could win though.

The other new toy she got was the Leapfrog Fridge Phonics toy. I had been wanting to buy this toy for months! I thought it was great and it was a great addition to the Letter Factory DVD she has been watching. However, it takes up TONS of space on my fridge! She really enjoys playing with it and likes to dance to the ABC song when it plays. She only knows 2 letters by sight so far and she likes to sing the ABC song but gets them mixed up, hopefully this toy will help with that.